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Web Development

(WEBDEV.AA1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-582-4
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

9+ Interactive Lessons | 158+ Exercises | 55+ Quizzes | 106+ Flashcards | 106+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 50+ Post Assessment Questions |

Hands-On Labs

70+ LiveLab | 70+ Video tutorials | 01:20+ Hours

Video Lessons

46+ Videos | 02:13+ Hours



  • About This Course
  • Who Should Read This Course?
  • How This Course Is Organized
  • Course Features

Foundation of the Internet and Web Development

  • Introduction to Hardware
  • Introduction to Software
  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • Introduction to the Internet
  • Introduction to Networking
  • Introduction to the World Wide Web
  • Introduction to AI Hardware
  • Summary

Building Basic Websites with HTML5

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • Document Structure in HTML5
  • Introduction to Elements
  • Format Text Content
  • Use of Hyperlinks for Navigation
  • Semantic and Non-Semantic Elements
  • Activity 1: Creating an HTML Page
  • Summary

Introduction to CSS for Styling Web Pages

  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS Syntax and Selectors
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Introduction to CSS3 Techniques
  • Summary

Mastering Layout Design with CSS

  • The Box Model
  • Create Tables
  • Format Tables
  • Activity 2: Styling with CSS
  • Summary

Introduction to JavaScript and Dynamic Behavior

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Develop HTML5 Forms
  • Summary

Manipulating Elements and Responsive UIs

  • Improve Forms with HTML5
  • HTML5 Attributes for the <form> Element
  • Submit Forms with the <button> Element
  • Concepts and Techniques for Validating User Input
  • Validate User Input with HTML5 Attributes
  • Validate User Input with JavaScript
  • Summary

JavaScript Concepts and Web Applications

  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
  • Introduction to JavaScript Functions
  • Define a Function
  • Call a Function
  • Methods as Functions
  • JavaScript Animations
  • Promises, Modules, Async/Await, and Closures
  • AJAX and JSON
  • Errors In JavaScript
  • Activity 3: Initializing the Quiz Application Using JavaScript
  • Summary

Appendix A: Project


Foundation of the Internet and Web Development

  • Installing Motherboard Components
  • Installing an NIC on the Motherboard of a CPU
  • Installing Input and Output Devices
  • Connecting a USB Flash Drive to a CPU
  • Connecting Devices in a Peer-To-Peer Architecture
  • Identifying Clients and Servers
  • Connecting an iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network

Building Basic Websites with HTML5

  • Using Headings in HTML5
  • Using Paragraphs in HTML5
  • Exploring HTML5 Ordered List Type Attributes
  • Using Control List Counting
  • Using Unordered Lists for a To-Do List
  • Exploring Unordered Lists Style Types
  • Using the Description List
  • Using Nested Lists in HTML
  • Exploring Structural Elements in HTML5
  • Using the Target Attributes of Links
  • Linking with the Same Document

Introduction to CSS for Styling Web Pages

  • Applying Inline CSS Styles
  • Applying Internal CSS Styles
  • Integrating External CSS into an HTML Document
  • Importing an External CSS Stylesheet
  • Using the Element Selector
  • Using the Class Selector
  • Using the Class Selector for the Specific HTML Element
  • Using an id Selector
  • Using the Grouping Selector
  • Using the Universal Selector
  • Using the Absolute Length Measuring Units
  • Using the Relative Length Measuring Units
  • Understanding the Difference Between Percentage and Pixel Units
  • Implementing Media Queries
  • Using the 2D Transform rotate() Method
  • Using CSS3 Transitions
  • Using the animation-timing-function Property

Mastering Layout Design with CSS

  • Setting the Height and Width of an Element
  • Using the Padding Longhand Property
  • Using the Padding Shorthand Property
  • Using the Border Longhand Property
  • Using the Border Shorthand Property
  • Using the Margin Longhand Property
  • Using the Margin Shorthand Property
  • Using the HTML Table Tags
  • Adding a Border to the HTML Table
  • Formatting a Table Using Rowspan and Colspan
  • Using the <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> Tags

Introduction to JavaScript and Dynamic Behavior

  • Exploring the document.write Method in JavaScript
  • Using the Assignment Operator in JavaScript
  • Exploring the Object Data Type
  • Using the Search Input Type
  • Using New HTML5 Input Types
  • Using the HTML5 <datalist> Element
  • Using the <fieldset> and <legend> Elements
  • Using the <textarea> Element with the placeholder Attribute

Manipulating Elements and Responsive UIs

  • Using the HTML5 autocomplete Attribute with the <form> Element
  • Using the HTML5 autofocus Attribute with the <input> Element
  • Accessing the button Object
  • Exploring the <button> Element type Attributes
  • Using the HTML5 <input type="url"> Element
  • Creating a Registration Form with JavaScript Validation

JavaScript Concepts and Web Applications

  • Using the onmouseover and onmouseout Events
  • Using the onfocus and onblur Events
  • Integrating an External JavaScript File into an HTML File
  • Using Functions, Arguments, and Return Values in JavaScript
  • Understanding Operator Precedence in JavaScript
  • Understanding Global and Local Variables in JavaScript
  • Using the parseInt() and parseFloat() Methods in JavaScript
  • Using the setTimeout() Method
  • Using the setInterval() and clearTimeout() Methods
  • Exploring Promises in JavaScript

Web Development

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