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HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing

(HTML-CSS-JS) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-438-7
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Hands-On Labs
Instructor Led (Add-on)
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About This Course

Learn web design concepts and techniques with the HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing course. The HTML & CSS course is designed for web developers and professionals who want to learn HTML, CSS, and other languages to improve their websites. This HTML, CSS, & JavaScript online course focuses on topics such as building tables, designing forms, integrating multimedia, using responsive Web design, and more.

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

26+ Interactive Lessons | 250+ Quizzes | 191+ Flashcards | 191+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 100+ Post Assessment Questions |

Hands-On Labs

44+ LiveLab | 34+ Video tutorials | 01:47+ Hours

Video Lessons

25+ Videos | 01:33+ Hours




What Is Web Publishing?

  • Thinking Like a Web Publisher
  • Web Browsers
  • Web Servers
  • Uniform Resource Locators
  • Defining Web Publishing Broadly
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Getting Your Tools in Order

  • Anatomy of a Website
  • Setting Up Your Computer for Web Publishing
  • Using the Google Chrome Developer Tools
  • What Do You Want to Do on the Web?
  • Wireframing Your Website
  • Web Hosting
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Introducing HTML and CSS

  • What HTML Is (And What It Isn't)
  • What HTML Files Look Like
  • HTML Attributes
  • Using the style Attribute
  • A Short History of HTML Standards
  • The Current and Evolving Standard: HTML5
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Learning the Basics of HTML

  • Structuring Your HTML
  • The Title
  • Headings
  • Paragraphs
  • Comments
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Organizing Information with Lists

  • Lists: An Overview
  • Numbered Lists
  • Unordered Lists
  • Definition Lists
  • Nesting Lists
  • Other Uses for Lists
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Working with Links

  • Creating Links
  • Linking Local Pages Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
  • Links to Other Documents on the Web
  • Linking to Specific Places Within Documents
  • Anatomy of a URL
  • Kinds of URLs
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

  • Character-Level Elements
  • Character Formatting Using CSS
  • Preformatted Text
  • Horizontal Rules (or Thematic Breaks)
  • Line Break
  • Addresses
  • Quotations
  • Special Characters
  • Fonts and Font Sizes
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using CSS to Style a Site

  • Including Style Sheets in a Page
  • Selectors
  • Units of Measure
  • Editing Styles with Developer Tools
  • Using Color
  • Links
  • The Box Model
  • More Selectors
  • The <body> Tag
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using Images on Your Web Pages

  • Images on the Web
  • Image Formats
  • Inline Images in HTML: The <img> Tag
  • Images and Text
  • Images and Links
  • Other Neat Tricks with Images
  • Image Backgrounds
  • Using Images as Bullets
  • What Is an Imagemap?
  • Image Etiquette
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Building Tables

  • Creating Tables
  • Table Parts
  • Sizing Tables, Borders, and Cells
  • Table and Cell Color
  • Aligning Your Table Content
  • Spanning Multiple Rows or Columns
  • More Advanced Table Enhancements
  • How Tables Are Used
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using CSS to Position Elements on the Page

  • Positioning Schemes
  • Absolute Positioning
  • Fixed Positioning
  • Controlling Stacking
  • Creating Drop-Down Menus
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing Forms

  • Understanding Form and Function
  • Using the <form> Tag
  • Using the <label> Tag
  • Creating Form Controls with the <input> Tag
  • Using Other Form Controls
  • Grouping Controls with fieldset and legend
  • Displaying Updates with progress and meter
  • Applying Cascading Style Sheet Properties to Form Elements
  • Planning Your Forms
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Structuring a Page with HTML5

  • A Short History of HTML Page Layout
  • Laying Out a Page in HTML5
  • HTML5 Structural Tags
  • The Page Outline
  • Using HTML5 Structural Elements
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

  • Embedding Video the Simple Way
  • Hosting Your Own Video
  • Embedding Video Using <video>
  • Embedding Flash Using the <object> Tag
  • The <embed> Tag
  • Embedding Flash Movies Using SWFObject
  • Flash Video Players
  • Embedding Audio in Your Pages
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Advanced CSS: Page Layout in CSS

  • Laying Out the Page
  • The Role of CSS in Web Design
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using Responsive Web Design

  • What Is Responsive Web Design?
  • Mobile Devices Should Come First
  • Planning a Responsive Website
  • Writing Media Queries
  • Understanding the Mechanics of RWD
  • Responsive Web Design Best Practices
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Introducing JavaScript

  • Why Would You Want to Use JavaScript?
  • The <script> Tag
  • JavaScript and the Chrome Development Tools
  • The JavaScript Language
  • The JavaScript Environment
  • Events
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using jQuery

  • What Are JavaScript Libraries?
  • Getting Started with jQuery
  • Your First jQuery Script
  • Selecting Elements from the Document
  • Binding Events
  • Modifying Styles on the Page
  • Modifying Content on the Page
  • Special Effects
  • AJAX and jQuery
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Using JavaScript in Your Pages

  • Validating Forms with JavaScript
  • Hiding and Showing Content
  • Adding New Content to a Page
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Working with Frames and Linked Windows

  • What Are Frames?
  • Working with Linked Windows
  • Inline Frames
  • Opening Linked Windows with JavaScript
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing for the Mobile Web

  • People Browse Differently on Mobile Phones
  • Standards Compliance and the Mobile Web
  • Writing for the Mobile Web
  • Design and Page Layout
  • Using Links
  • Using Images and Multimedia
  • Making the Most of CSS and JavaScript
  • Take Advantage of Mobile Features
  • Other Good Habits and Hints for Mobile Web Design
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Designing for User Experience

  • Considering User Experience Level
  • Determining User Preferences
  • What Is Accessibility?
  • Alternative Browsers
  • Writing Accessible HTML
  • Designing for Accessibility
  • Validating Your Sites for Accessibility
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

How to Publish Your Site

  • What Does a Web Server Do?
  • How to Find Web Hosting
  • Organizing Your HTML Files for Publishing
  • Publishing Your Files
  • Troubleshooting
  • Promoting Your Web Pages
  • Finding Out Who's Viewing Your Web Pages
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Taking Advantage of the Server

  • How PHP Works
  • Getting PHP to Run on Your Computer
  • The PHP Language
  • Loops
  • Built-In Functions
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Processing Forms
  • Using PHP Includes
  • Expanding Your Knowledge of PHP
  • Other Application Platforms
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises

Search Engines and SEO

  • What Is SEO?
  • How Search Engines Work
  • SEO Techniques
  • Tools for Tracking and Managing SEO
  • Paying for Links
  • Summary
  • Workshop
  • Additional Exercises


Introducing HTML and CSS

  • Creating a Basic HTML Page

Learning the Basics of HTML

  • Using Paragraphs and Headings in HTML

Organizing Information with Lists

  • Organizing Content in HTML

Working with Links

  • Creating Hyperlinks

Formatting Text with HTML and CSS

  • Formatting Text in HTML

Using CSS to Style a Site

  • Creating the External Style Sheet
  • Using CSS IDs
  • Implementing a Class
  • Creating an Internal Style Sheet
  • Implementing Inline Styles
  • Using Positioned Floats
  • Using Overflow Properties

Using Images on Your Web Pages

  • Implementing the SVG Format
  • Using Inline Flow vs. Block Flow in CSS and Float Properties
  • Using the Image Tag

Building Tables

  • Organizing Content in HTML Part 1

Using CSS to Position Elements on the Page

  • Using the Absolute Position Property
  • Implementing CSS Overlapping and Positioning

Designing Forms

  • Using the Pattern Attribute
  • Using the Required Attribute
  • Using the Types of Input Fields
  • Using the Input Tag
  • Implementing the Checkbox Input and Using the Textarea Tag
  • Using the Select Tag
  • Using the Mark, Meter, and Progress Tags

Structuring a Page with HTML5

  • Using the Header and Footer Tags
  • Using the Nav Tag
  • Using the Article Tag
  • Using the Section Tag
  • Using the Aside and Hr Tags

Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

  • Using the Video Tag

Advanced CSS: Page Layout in CSS

  • Implementing CSS Columns and Hyphenations

Using Responsive Web Design

  • Using Media Query

Introducing JavaScript

  • Writing a Basic JavaScript Program
  • Using Operators in JavaScript
  • Using Data Types
  • Showing and Hiding Elements
  • Updating Content Using Event Handling
  • Using Events to Call a Function
  • Using Events

Using jQuery

  • Using jQuery and Other Third-Party Libraries

Using JavaScript in Your Pages

  • Using the Form and Test Validations

Working with Frames and Linked Windows

  • Using the Inline Frame Element

Designing for the Mobile Web

  • Getting the Geolocation of a Device

HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing

$ 416.32

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